To be able to send with NotionMail using your own domain, you need to verify the email address that you want to send from. We makes this process easy + fast to complete! ⚡

Navigate to the Verify New Email tab + enter your email address. Submit your request with the Verify New Email button, and you’ll get a notification that the verification email was sent to your inbox. 👀


Visit your email for a verification email from Dillon ([email protected]) with a link to verify your email address. 🔗


Once you’ve completed the email verification process, you can send an email with your newly verified email. And just like that, you’re ready to use NotionMail with your own email address! If you have any other email addresses that you’ll want to use NotionMail with, make sure to verify each one to have those sending powers. ✉️


Have more questions? You can hop over to our Slack and connect with fellow customers and our team! Or, email us at [email protected] and we’d be happy to help! 😎