<aside> 😎 Read Me: This template is what you need to share a lead magnet with new subscribers. You can easily drop in your logo in the header of this email to make it branded. 1500x200 is the size you want to duplicate the appearance!

Make sure to fill out the footer with any key details + flesh out the body with copy that converts. Stuck? Try out Copy.ai!



Thanks for signing up!

I know that there are a lot of emails you get in your inbox, so I will keep this short.

It’s important that you get exactly what I told you about, and I want to share all of that value with you right now.

Ready to dive into all of the secrets I’ve learned in business?

Here’s that valuable eBook I promised...

<aside> ➡️ Click here to get instant access to your X steps to Y!


Hit reply with any questions! I’m here to help.

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